Citronella “Java” Essential oil, Indonesia


10 ml     169 Thai Baht
30 ml     359 Thai Baht
100 ml   829 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil
          Citronella essential oil is extracted from a type of grass that grows in South Asia and Indonesia. It is one of the most common oils used in natural flea and mosquito repellents because of its low cost. Citronella Java is suspected to be a more effective repellent against Dengue carrying mosquitos such as Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus than Citronella Ceylon due to its higher citronellal content.
       Citronellal is a leading insect repellent against dengue carrying mosquitos. It is sometimes artificially produced by the name PMD but it is commonly extracted naturally from Citronella Java. Citronella Ceylon does not produce high enough quantities. Both types are still very popular in insect repellents, soaps, cleaners and candle making.