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Agarwood crassna (Oud) Thailand


5 ml       2,959 Thai Baht
10 ml     5,399 Thai Baht
30 ml     14,899 Thai Baht
100 ml   42,300 Thai Baht

          Agarwood is one of the rarest and most expensive essential oils. In its normal state, the resin is thin and near odorless but when infected with a mold, over time it produces a more fragrant resin. This resin is then collected and distilled to produce Agarwood essential oil. The process normally takes years and takes 20 kg of infected wood just to produce 1 “Tor” (about 12.5 ml) of Agarwood essential oil.

Blue Tansy Essential oil, Morocco

  • 5 ml      2,229Thai Baht
  • 10 ml    3,889 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml    9,339 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   33,399 Thai Baht

          Blue Tansy Essential Oil is sometimes known as Moroccan Chamomile or Moroccan Tansy. It Has a Naturally Calming Scent similar to Chamomile. Aromatically, Blue Tansy Essential Oil possesses a complex, sweet, slightly floral aroma with camphorous and herbaceous undertones. Its from yellow flower plant and get the result deep indigo blue color after the process of distillation. 
          Blue Tansy supports high self-esteem and boosts in confidence, nervous tension, peace and calmness and anxiety symptoms.

Chamomile German (Blue), Bulgaria


5 ml       949 Thai Baht
10 ml     1,689 Thai Baht
30 ml     4,299 Thai Baht
100 ml   12,669 Thai Baht

German Chamomile is one of the gentlest essential oils and one of the few recommended for young children. It is sometime rubbed on the gums in very small amounts to reduce teething pain or the flowers are used to make a chamomile tea which is sometimes by nursing mothers to ease colic. It is among the most powerful essential oils to relax the body and mind. 

Chamomile Roman Essential oil, England

  • 5 ml       879 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml      1,529 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     3,889 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml    11,479 Thai Baht
    100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil
              Roman Chamomile is one of the gentlest essential oils and one of the few recommended for young children. It is sometime rubbed on the gums in very small amounts to reduce teething pain or the flowers are used to make a chamomile tea which is sometimes by nursing mothers to ease colic. It is among the most powerful essential oils to relax the body and mind. It is used to reduce the severity of stress, tension and tension headaches, anxiety, worry, insomnia, PMS, menopause, hyperactivity, and nervous indigestion.
              Roman Chamomile soothes sensitive, irritated, red or dry skin. It is one of the few oils that is mild enough to use “neat” (100% strength) on small areas of skin.

Champaca White (Magnolia) 100% Pure , China

  • 5 ml     879 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml   1,529 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml   3,889 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml 11,479 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil

       Champaca white is valuable remedy for depression, anxiety, grief and stress-related disorders. The rich sweet-floral fragrance has calming effect to the nerves and soothing to the emotions, restoring energy and producing positive feeling of confidence. Helpful with sexual difficulties, particularly frigidity and impotence, soothing any underlying tension and stress. it is known to lower blood pressure and regulate the heart rate.
       For skin treatment, it is very useful for all skin types, particularly good for mature, dry or sensitive skin. As an anti depressant it is said to sooth and relax while strengthening the mind. Champaca is used as a fixative in expensive perfumes.

Cistus (Rock Rose) Essential Oil 100%, Spain

  •  5 ml      949 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     1,689 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     4,299 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   12,669 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential oil

      This species of plant is known by many names such as Cistus, Labdanum, Rose of Sharon or Rock Rose. The extracts of this species are normally separated into only 2 names, Cistus referring to extracts which come from leaves and stems and Labdanum referring to extracts which come the gum or resinoid. Both extracts come from different parts of the same species of plant. Additionally, the oil from the leaves is steam distilled while the resinoid is solvent extracted using ethanol from the gum. This creates two very different oils in composition, appearance and aroma.

Cognac (Green) Essential oil 100%, France


5 ml       949 Thai Baht
10 ml     1,689 Thai Baht
30 ml     4,299 Thai Baht
100 ml   12,669 Thai Baht

          Green cognac is produced from grapevines, Vitis vinifera well known for its fruit, when fermented produces wine. Green Cognac oil is highly prized in natural perfumery. It has a dry, tart, wine-like, green and slightly fruity aroma. It is often used in higher end blends due to its complex mix of earthy boozy and fruity notes as well as for its fixative qualities. 

Frangipani Absolute (Plumeria), India

  •  5  ml     3,899 THB
  • 10 ml     6,959 THB
  • 30 ml    19,989 THB
  • 100 ml  82,559 THB

           Frangipani absolute extracted from the flower is the most desirable extraction in high end perfumery. Frangipani is considered to be one of the best extracts in romantic or sensual blends. The flowers are still worn in hair dressings by women in southern India. On an emotional level, Frangipani is thought to provide inner peace, self-awareness and confidence. It can also help to ease tension and brighten your mood.

Immortelle (Helichrysum) Absolute 100% Pure,...


5 ml       1,599 Thai Baht
10 ml     2,789 Thai Baht
30 ml     7,429 Thai Baht
100 ml   22,319 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Extract
          The names “Everlasting” and “Immortelle” come from the reputation of the flowers for retaining their brilliant color even when dried. Immortelle or Helichrysum absolute has a unique aroma that is sweeter than sweet and herbaceous. It is not similar to Immortelle essential oil and can’t be fully appreciated until it has been diluted or blended with another oil.
          Diluted well, Immortelle is touted as the perfect addition to skin care formulations. It’s moisturizing, and will help prevent dryness and cracking of the skin also has an anti-aging property. It helps to regenerate skin tissue and relieve inflammation. It helps to tighten and tone skin, fade scars, shrink stretch marks, and reduce the appearance of surgical scars and skin blemishes. It’s one of the few extracts that contain “diketones,” which help reduce scar tissue and stimulate the growth of new skin tissue.

Immortelle (Helichrysum) Distilled Essential...

  • 5 ml       1,659 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     2,989 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     8,219 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   23,919 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential oil

          The names “Everlasting” and “Immortelle” come from the reputation of the flowers for retaining their brilliant color even when dried. Immortelle Or Helichrysum essential oil is sweet with herbaceous hay like notes and slight fruity floral notes underneath. It is not as sweet and thick but more balanced and complex than Immortelle absolute. 
         It is commonly chosen for a variety of skin issues but also excels in detoxification and for its excellent anti-inflammatory properties. 
         Immortelle essential oil is touted as the perfect addition to skin care formulations for those with sensitive skin. It’s moisturizing, and will help prevent dryness and cracking of the skin also has an anti-aging property. It helps to regenerate skin tissue and relieve inflammation. 

Jasmine grandiflorum Absolute, India

  • 5 ml       1,989 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     3,469 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     9,869 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   27,899 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Absolute
          The smell of Jasmine is unmistakable and unforgettable. Jasmine has one of the most alluring and beautiful aromas. In India it is known as Queen of the night because it releases the most powerful aroma during in the predawn hours. It is during these predawn hours when the flowers are hand selected and it requires around 8000 flowers to produce just 1 ml of absolute.
          Reputed benefits include Antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic and sedative qualities but perhaps best known as an aphrodisiac. It is more masculine than other floral aromas making it useful for both perfumes and colognes. It is widely used in modern perfumery and has a lasting tenacity that is useful in sensual perfumes and romantic blends.

Jasmine sambac Absolute, India

  •  5 ml      2,129 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     3,689 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     9,869 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   29,669 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Jasmine Extract
          Jasmine sambac normally comes from southern India and is a bit muskier/masculine than Jasmine grandiflorum but both have a long history in religious ceremonies and adornment.
          Reputed benefits include Antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic and sedative qualities but perhaps best known as an aphrodisiac. It is more masculine than other floral aromas making it useful for both perfumes and colognes. It is widely used in modern perfumery and has a lasting tenacity that is useful in sensual perfumes and romantic blends.

Labdanum (Rock Rose) Absolute, Spain

  •  5 ml      449 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     759 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     1,929 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   5,439 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential oil

          Labdanum Absolute has a dark brown color. It has a sweet balsamic earthy aroma somewhat similar to Myrrh or Opoponax. It is thicker than honey and very sticky. In perfumery it is used as a substitute for ambergris. The aroma has some similarity and its ability to hold onto the surface of the skin is amazing.

          In ancient Egypt, the gum had the ability to hold fake beards on the face even in the Egyptian heat. In Aromatherapy, it has potential in multiple skin care products, cosmetics, and other purposes where the need is to last on the surface of the skin from creams to sunscreen to insect repellents.

Mimosa Absolute Extract, India

  • 5 ml       879   Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     1,529 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     3,889 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   11,479 Thai Baht

     Mimosa is a signature 0f spring flowering tree. Its Powerful, intimate and alluring for all, the sunny yellow blossoms of Mimosa offer a soft, sweet fragrance that heralds the joyful beginning of spring. 

    Mimosa Absolute is most often used in perfumery but in small amounts it may be added to formulations to help to nourish and soften skin whilst also assisting in cleansing the skin of excess oil and dirt. It is anti-inflammatory and its antioxidant properties make it a good addition to use in night creams and lotions for its preservative effects.

Neroli Essential Oil, Tunisia

  • 5 ml      1,599 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     2,789 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     7,429 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   22,319 Thai Baht

  • 100% Pure & Natural Essential oil
              Neroli produced in the Northern African countries of Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt is usually the most preferred and bitter orange blossom Citrus aurantium species is the most preferred species for use in aromatherapy.

              It has a wonderful floral fresh aroma that is a common ingredient in many modern perfumes. It takes about 1,000 kilograms of freshly picked bitter orange blossoms to make 1 kilogram of Neroli essential oil.

Osmanthus Absolute Extract, France

  • 5 ml    3,059 THB
  • 10 ml  5,549 THB
  • 30 ml  15,259 THB
  • 100 ml 43,339 THB
             Osmanthus Absolute has a Beautiful and powerfully strong floral aroma. It takes 3000 kilograms of flowers to produce just 1 kg of this concentrated extract. It has a long lasting fixative quality that makes it very popular in many of the most expensive perfumes and especially natural & sensual perfumes.
              Osmanthus fragrans var. Thunbergii normally contains the most desired perfumery notes of the Osmanthus species. The chemistry of the natural extract is very complex & rich. It is certainly one of the strongest, most beautiful aromas in our collection.

Rose Damascena Absolute Essential oil, Bulgaria

  • 5 ml     3,289 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml   5,969 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml   17,169 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml 48,759 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Rose Extract
          This “Queen of oils” requires 3000 to 4000 kg of Rose peddles to produce only 1 kg of Rose Absolute. This was almost chosen as a “select” oil and many professionals consider this Rose Absolute to have a premium quality aroma. There are over 250 species of Rose but only 3 are commonly used for oil extraction. Rose damascena is normally the most preferred.
          Rose is considered one of the top aphrodisiac oils so much that Roses have become a symbol of Love. The flowers have long been used in wedding ceremonies and as gifts on romantic holidays. Its purpose at funerals is to show love for the lost.

Sandalwood Essential Oil, Mysore (India)

  • 5 ml       1,989 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     3,469 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     9,869 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   27,889 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil
          Sandalwood from the Mysore region of India is the most desired source of Sandalwood essential oil. It is "true" Sandalwood Santalum album and the one referred to in most aromatherapy books. It is a common ingredient in perfumery for its pleasant aroma and fixative quality.
         The benefit for aromatherapy is promotes mental clarity, calming and focusing and one of the commonly known for natural aphrodisiac.
          In skin and hair treatment it has many functions. It encourages new cell growth, regulates oil production, treats acne, moisturizes dry or chapped skin, it is even suitable for sensitive skin and young children. It speeds the healing process, increases white blood cell production and also fights inflammation, bacterial and fungal infection.

Tobacco Absolute Essential Oil, Bulgaria

  •   5ml   1,599THB
  • 10ml   2,789THB
  • 30ml   7,429THB
  • 100ml 22,319THB

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil

          Tobacco Absolute is a very tenacious, aromatic material that adds warmth, depth and character to natural perfumes, especially masculine and Amber blends when used in very small amounts. It has a leathery, woody, mossy, sweet hay-like, warm aroma reminiscent of fine pipe tobacco when diluted.


Tuberose Absolute Extract, India

  •  5ml      3,289  THB
  • 10 ml    5,969  THB
  • 30 ml    16,569 THB
  • 100 m   46,859 THB

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil

          Tuberose Absolute has a floral/herbal/creamy aroma with some similarities to Neroli. At 100% strength, its power hides the sweeter aroma that is revealed when diluted. It takes 3000 kilograms of flowers to produce just 1 kg of this concentrated extract.
          Tuberose has a long-lasting fixative quality that makes it popular in some of the most expensive perfumes and especially natural & sensual perfumes. It is mildly sedative and calming to the nervous system. It is recommended for a good night’s sleep.

Valerian Root Essential oil, India

  • 5 ml      839 THB
  • 10 ml    1,429 THB
  • 30 ml    3,219 THB
  • 100 ml  10,090 THB

          Valerian root has long been used as a sleep aid in cases of insomnia. While some of the heavier constituents that give valerian root its sedative qualities do not transfer during the steam distillation process the high concentration of others still make valerian root essential oil highly relaxing.
          It works well in blends for depression, anxiety, stress, nervousness and nervous activities. Known for its beneficial soothing, and sedative effects and used as natural treatment for headaches and migraine.

Violet leaf Absolute, Egypt

  •   5ml   1,599THB
  • 10ml   2,789THB
  • 30ml   7,429THB
  • 100ml 22,319THB

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil

         The cool green leaves of Violet Leaf Absolute has soft floral Leafy nuances. During the long dry down the aroma becomes muted, earthy and grassy.

         Since this highly aromatic extract first appeared in the collection of natural perfumers, its stature has risen considerably. It is regarded as a rare and irreplaceable element in perfumery that in very small amounts lends an unsurpassed elegance to certain floral blends.

Vitex Essential Oil, Croatia

  • 5 ml       819 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     1,489 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     3,789 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   11,179 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil

          Vitex Is also known as “Chaste Tree” or “Monk’s Pepper”. The Leaves and Berries have a long history in traditional medicine around the Mediterranean region but the essential oil only recently becoming popular in aroma therapy. Vitex is an emotionally balancing herb particularly for women. It is used by women suffering from PMS and is being researched as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders.