Ginger “Select” CO2 Extract, India

  • 5 ml       389 Thai Baht

  • 10 ml      659 Thai Baht

  • 30 ml     1,659 Thai Baht

  • 100 ml    4,879 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Extract      

          In order to be classified as a “Select” essential oil an oil must be all natural and a truly exceptional quality that is difficult to duplicate. The CO2 extraction method makes this oil special. Ginger root is reputed to ease nausea but the main component credited with this benefit is gingerol and does not transfer to steam distilled ginger oil. For 1) the molecule is heavy, near the limit of what steam distillation can collect. 2) the molecule is heat sensitive and converts to other constituents when heated. The cold extraction process preserves the gingerol in the finished product. Some prefer this oil for nausea associated with things like sea sickness because it is mildly effective against the nausea without the sleepy side effects of Dramamine.

Camphor White Essential Oil, China

  • 10 ml    179 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml    389 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   939 Thai Baht

     Camphor has very good antifungal and antimicrobial properties for disinfecting wet areas like bathrooms. Diffused into the air it can help clear air passages and quiet coughs due to cold, flu or bronchitis. It can be used with great effect in aromatherapy vapor therapy to clear the lungs, dispel apathy and calm nervous depression.
     Camphor essential oil may help disinfect, ease body and joint aches, improve circulation, ease breathing and also be used to repel insects such as flies and moths.