Frankincense Sacra...

Frankincense Sacra Essential oil, Oman

  •  5 ml     679  Thai Baht
  • 10 ml    1,149  Thai Baht
  • 30 ml    2,929  Thai Baht
  • 100 ml  8,599  Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil

         Frankincense is known in aromatherapy as an analgesic, anti-depressant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, and sedative. It is still widely used in religious ceremonies and is renowned for its ability to stimulate the immune system. Emotionally, it is uplifting and relaxing whether applied to the skin or diffused into the air.
         It is used on the skin to regenerate and nourish, treat scar tissue and dry aging skin. As a gift, Frankincense would be given as a wish for long life and good health.

Frankincense carterii...

Frankincense carterii (Olibanum) Essential Oil,...

  • 5 ml       289 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml      499 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     1,279 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml    3,489 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil

Frankincense has a wide range of benefits in aromatherapy. As a gift in the past, Frankincense tears would be given as a token for long life and good health. It blends easily with many other essential oils and is a wonderful oil for therapy, perfumery or just home fragrancing.

Emotionally, it is calming and grounding whether applied to the skin or diffused into the air. It is often use for anxiety and stress especially when a restless mind prevents quality sleep. It is focusing and deeply meditative for quieting the chatter in a busy mind. Frankincense is still widely used in religious ceremonies today.

Frankincense Serrata CO2 Extract (select)...

  •  5 ml     649 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml    1,099 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml    2,729 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml  8,029 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil     

   Frankincense is known as an analgesic, anti-depressant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic and sedative. It is widely used and is renowned for its ability to stimulate the immune system. Emotionally, it is reputed to be uplifting and relaxing whether applied to the skin or diffused into the air. It is used on the skin to regenerate and nourish, treat scar tissue and dry aging skin.

    Frankincense is one of the most researched essential oils for its anticarcinogen effects, especially Boswellia serrata species. As a gift, Frankincense tears would be given as a wish for long life and good health.