Frankincense carterii...

Frankincense carterii (Olibanum) Essential Oil,...

  • 5 ml       289 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml      499 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     1,279 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml    3,489 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil

Frankincense has a wide range of benefits in aromatherapy. As a gift in the past, Frankincense tears would be given as a token for long life and good health. It blends easily with many other essential oils and is a wonderful oil for therapy, perfumery or just home fragrancing.

Emotionally, it is calming and grounding whether applied to the skin or diffused into the air. It is often use for anxiety and stress especially when a restless mind prevents quality sleep. It is focusing and deeply meditative for quieting the chatter in a busy mind. Frankincense is still widely used in religious ceremonies today.

Agarwood crassna (Oud) Thailand


5 ml       2,959 Thai Baht
10 ml     5,399 Thai Baht
30 ml     14,899 Thai Baht
100 ml   42,300 Thai Baht

          Agarwood is one of the rarest and most expensive essential oils. In its normal state, the resin is thin and near odorless but when infected with a mold, over time it produces a more fragrant resin. This resin is then collected and distilled to produce Agarwood essential oil. The process normally takes years and takes 20 kg of infected wood just to produce 1 “Tor” (about 12.5 ml) of Agarwood essential oil.