Rosemary "Select" Essential oil, (Verbenone...

  •  5 ml     379   Thai Baht
  • 10 ml    649   Thai Baht
  • 30 ml    1,639 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml  4,189 Thai Baht
  •           Rosemary has one of the longest histories in traditional medicine. Traces of Rosemary can be found as far back as the tombs of the first dynasty Egyptians.
              It blends well with many other essential oils and this region of Italy produces one of the highest concentrations of verbenone we have seen. We normally expect around 11% verbenone but some lots have been almost 14%. It has a very low cineole content which makes up the aroma that people normally associate with Rosemary essential oil. Instead it is almost herbal with a hint of sharpness. It is one of the mildest most therapeutic Rosemary essential oils for hair and skin.