White sage smudge California For cleanse your space.
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Abalone Natural Sea shell 11-12Cm


   Ordinary abalone shell 11-12 Cm 1pc
   The abalone shell is an extremely strong shell. Abalones come from all parts of the world and have beautiful blue, green, silver pearlized undertones.
   It brings safety from harm and emotional balance. The relaxing sound of the ocean waves has surrounded the abalone during its entire life. It is thought that these waves of relaxation transit to your mind.




   The abalone shell is an extremely strong shell. Abalones come from all parts of the world and have beautiful blue, green, silver pearlized undertones.
   It brings safety from harm and emotional balance. The relaxing sound of the ocean waves has surrounded the abalone during its entire life. It is thought that these waves of relaxation transit to your mind.

Can put sand or salt in the shell to protect the heat from burn. Always have ceramic tray underneat in order to protect the heat distroy the furniture surface. 


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