Black Cumin Oil - Certified Organic, Egypt
Turmeric Root Essential oil, Thai

Allspice Essential Oil, Jamaica

  •   5 ml      309 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml      529 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml      1,349 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml    3,429 Thai Baht

          Allspice essential oil (Pimenta dioica), also called Jamaican pepper or pimento berry. It is called Allspice because the scent is reminiscent of a combination of Cinnamon, Clove and Nutmeg. It has a high eugenol content and a sweet, spicy scent that is most similar to clove. 

         Allspice oil supports positivity and offers comfort with its grounding qualities. Reminiscent of the holidays with its warm and welcoming scent, It is often found in a variety of men’s cosmetic products. 

น้ำมันหอมระเหย: 5 ml

  • Allspice (Pimento Berry) 100% Pure Essential Oil, Jamaica
  • Botanical Name: Pimenta dioica 
  • Origin: Jamaica
  • Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled
  • Parts used: Fruit/Berry
  • Color:       Amber to Dark Brown
  • Perfumery Note: Middle
  • Consistency: Thin
  • Aromatic Description: Spicey, Woody & Sweet
  • Blends well with: Cinnamon, clove, Geranium, Ginger, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Neroli, Nutmeg, Orange, Patchouli, Peppermint, Black Pepper, Spearmint, Ylang Ylang
  • Initial Strength: Strong
  • Class: Phenolic Ether

          This oil has a strong scent and can be a potential irritant, so we recommend starting with a small quantity at first to not be overpowering.

          Allspice essential oil (Pimenta dioica), also called Jamaican pepper or pimento berry. It is called Allspice because the scent is reminiscent of a combination of Cinnamon, Clove and Nutmeg. It has a high eugenol content and a sweet, spicy scent that is most similar to clove. 

         Allspice oil supports positivity and offers comfort with its grounding qualities. Reminiscent of the holidays with its warm and welcoming scent, It is often found in a variety of men’s cosmetic products. 

        The allspice tree can reach the height of about 10 meters. The fruits are picked before they are fully ripe and are then dried in the sun. The berries turn from green to a dull reddish brown during drying similar to the color of the essential oil. The yield is high and the inclusion rate is low which helps control the price in finished formulations 

          When creating a blend recipe, it's important to start with a small amount of allspice oil and then add other oils until you find a combination that you like. Whether you're diffusing it in your home or adding it to your favorite rub, allspice oil is sure to bring warmth to your home.

  • Muscle Rub: The high eugenol content is a powerful analgesic and anesthetic. Its numbing qualities make it effective enough even for the pain of a toothache. This oil helps to dull sensation to the location it is applied to and can be used to help decrease pain registered by the pain receptors (nociceptors). It has also been useful in relieving pain caused by neuralgia. Add one drop to a tablespoon of carrier oil, apply it to the sore area.
  • Massage Oil: Allspice makes a nice therapeutic addition to a massage oil. Add a small amount to a massage blend to provide a gentle warming sensation that stimulates circulation and increases blood flow. It’s useful for sore muscles and its pleasant scent is relaxing too.
  • Headache: Excellent for improving circulation to reduce headaches caused by poor circulation. Try using a few drops in an aromatherapy inhaler blend for awakening and easing headaches caused by poor oxygen circulation.
  • Digestive Aid: This oil is wonderful for digestive issues. Allspice can help relieve digestive upset, gas discomfort, as well as nausea. It can also ease stomach cramps and spasms. For quick use, add one drop of allspice and two drops ginger oil  to a tablespoon of carrier oil. Then massage onto your stomach in a clockwise motion.
  • Note: Not for internal use. Most essential oils cannot be taken internally, but even when they can, essential oils are highly concentrated and require dilution, special training and caution that Aroma & More does not yet provide. You can never drink any essential oils at 100% strength or diluted in water-based liquids. 

Caution: Contains methyleugenol which is potentially carcinogenic (however the oil also contains anti-carcinogenic qualities). IFRA recommends it should be diluted to below 0.003% in finished formulations applied to the skin. Essential oils can be harmful if used improperly. Information is provided for educational purposes only. It is up to the customer to determine if the product is right for their intended purpose. Special consideration should be made before applying essential oils to pregnant women, children or the elderly. If under a doctor's care, please consult the physician before using essential oils. If applying to skin essential oils must be diluted correctly and Aroma & More recommends testing on a small area of skin to check for reaction before attempting a full body massage. Claims have not been evaluated by the FDA.


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