04-Gift Set Palo santo+ White sage+Cedar in a wooden box.
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Turkey feather as a Cleansing Feather,Fan the sacred smoke in ritual or ceremony : 8-9''


   Beautiful Turkey Feather to use as a Cleansing Feather. Fan the sacred smoke in ritual, ceremony, and during a cleansing. A smudging feather is an honorable possession and should be treated with respect. Bless and smudge it to honor it.

Wood stick & herb bundles: 1 pc


   Beautiful Turkey Feather to use as a Cleansing Feather. Fan the sacred smoke in ritual, ceremony, and during a cleansing. A smudging feather is an honorable possession and should be treated with respect. Bless and smudge it to honor it.

   Native Americans have honored and revered feathers for centuries. A feather from a turkey represents abundance and fertility, as well as a symbol of the wilderness on earth and a reminder that man will never be able to control it. Feathers also denote honor, strength, and wisdom.

   Used For Smoke Cleansing with Sage and Abalone to clear energy in an environment. Smoke Cleansing is a way to cleanse a person , place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influences.

The smoke cleansing involves the burning of sacred plants then, either passing an object through the resulting smoke, or fanning the smoke around a person or place. All feathers are natural and are thoughtfully curated, Cleaned.

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