Geranium Bourbon Essential Oil, Egypt

  •   5 ml   229 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml   389 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml   989 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml 2,729 Thai Baht

          Geranium essential oil has a mostly pleasant, sweet, floral fragrance that calms and relaxes the body and mind. It has been used back to the times of the Egyptians for promoting and supporting beautiful healthy skin. It balances sebum production in oily, dry or combination skin and can be used on all skin types.
          Geranium is a detoxifying essential oil. It has a balancing effect on hormones and a stimulating effect on the lymphatic system. It is used in many higher end natural anti-cellulite formulas, as well as formulas to treat hormone imbalances such as premenstrual syndrome and menopause and relieve water retention.

Thuja (Cedar Leaf, White Cedar)100% Pure...

  • 10 ml     239 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     579 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   1,589 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil

          Also known as Cedar leaf, Thuja, White Cedar, Eastern Arborvitae or Swamp Cedar. Cedar Leaf has a complex, sharp, fresh spicey camphorous aroma which blends well with many other aromas. 

          Cedar leaf has been traditionally used to soothe rheumatism, arthritis and congestion. It also has astringent, diuretic, insect repellent, stimulant properties and was commonly used in folk medicine to relieve common cold symptoms. Treats skin diseases such as psoriasis, warts, dermatitis or acne.

Sandalwood Dilute 10% Oil, Mysore (India)


10 ml     579 Thai Baht
30 ml    1389 Thai Baht
100 ml  3879 Thai Baht

Sandalwood Dilute 10% Oil with JOJOba oil
          Sandalwood from the Mysore region of India is the most desired source of Sandalwood essential oil. It is "true" Sandalwood Santalum album and the one referred to in most aromatherapy books. It is a common ingredient in perfumery for its pleasant aroma and fixative quality.
         The benefit for aromatherapy is promotes mental clarity, calming and focusing and one of the commonly known for natural aphrodisiac.
          In skin and hair treatment it has many functions. It encourages new cell growth, regulates oil production, treats acne, moisturizes dry or chapped skin, it is even suitable for sensitive skin and young children. It speeds the healing process, increases white blood cell production and also fights inflammation, bacterial and fungal infection.

Lesser Galangal Essential Oil, THAI


 5ml      189 Thai Baht
10ml     329 Thai Baht
30ml     819 Thai Baht
100ml  1,929Thai Baht

       Lesser Galangal or Fingerroot (Chinese ginger, Chinese key)
       This essential oil is known for its warm, camphorous aroma, fresh and slightly floral notes. Finger Root can be used to help support a healthy digestive system and offer relief from occasional digestive upset.
       Its calming properties and useful to help promote a positive atmosphere that cool down angry feelings.

Pomelo (Pummelo) Essential Oil, Thailand

  • 10 ml     239 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     589 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   1,689 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential oil

          Pomelo or Pummelo essential oil is native to SE Asia and is cultivated throughout the region as well as in India, China, Indonesia and southern Japan. Pomelo is the largest citrus fruit.  Citrus maxima (Burm.) (Merr.) is the correct botanic name but it is more commonly called Citrus grandis.
          Pomelo has a fresh, clean, sweet/tart scent that is well liked and a perfect freshener for the home. In soap making Pomelo is used mainly for its fresh scent and to a lesser extent, as a disinfectant and mild insect repellent. 
          In aromatherapy, soothes the mind, anti-depressant and stress relief.  

Ginger (Fresh) Essential Oil, THAI


5 ml      189 Thai Baht
10 ml    329 Thai Baht
30 ml    829 Thai Baht
100 ml  2,279 Thai Baht
        Ginger has positive effects on the respiratory system. It is an expectorant, eases coughs and congestion and can soothe a sore throat. Ginger essential oil is well suited to help ease colds and flu, muscle aches and pains, as well as poor circulation and arthritic pain.
        Its warming qualities are good to use for feelings of loneliness and winter depression, and its energizing properties make it a consideration as an aphrodisiac in cases where lack on energy is the main cause.

Ho Wood Essential Oil, China

  • 10 ml     239 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     579 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   1,589 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil
     Ho Wood (sometimes spelled HoWood) is high in linalool and a popular inexpensive replacement for Rosewood or Coriander essential oils. It is low in camphor content compared to Camphor White but still has enough for a slight cool feel while maintaining its floral herbal aroma. 
     Emotionally, Ho Wood is peaceful and relaxing. Traditionally it has been used for its mild pain reliving qualities, as a muscle relaxant and its anti-inflammatory qualities.
     For skin. Ho wood benefit for generate new cell growth especially for mature skin, anti-aging skin care. 

Cognac (Green) Essential oil 100%, France


5 ml       949 Thai Baht
10 ml     1,689 Thai Baht
30 ml     4,299 Thai Baht
100 ml   12,669 Thai Baht

          Green cognac is produced from grapevines, Vitis vinifera well known for its fruit, when fermented produces wine. Green Cognac oil is highly prized in natural perfumery. It has a dry, tart, wine-like, green and slightly fruity aroma. It is often used in higher end blends due to its complex mix of earthy boozy and fruity notes as well as for its fixative qualities. 

Mimosa Absolute Extract, India

  • 5 ml       879   Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     1,529 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     3,889 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   11,479 Thai Baht

     Mimosa is a signature 0f spring flowering tree. Its Powerful, intimate and alluring for all, the sunny yellow blossoms of Mimosa offer a soft, sweet fragrance that heralds the joyful beginning of spring. 

    Mimosa Absolute is most often used in perfumery but in small amounts it may be added to formulations to help to nourish and soften skin whilst also assisting in cleansing the skin of excess oil and dirt. It is anti-inflammatory and its antioxidant properties make it a good addition to use in night creams and lotions for its preservative effects.

Valerian Root Essential oil, India

  • 5 ml      839 THB
  • 10 ml    1,429 THB
  • 30 ml    3,219 THB
  • 100 ml  10,090 THB

          Valerian root has long been used as a sleep aid in cases of insomnia. While some of the heavier constituents that give valerian root its sedative qualities do not transfer during the steam distillation process the high concentration of others still make valerian root essential oil highly relaxing.
          It works well in blends for depression, anxiety, stress, nervousness and nervous activities. Known for its beneficial soothing, and sedative effects and used as natural treatment for headaches and migraine.

Chamomile German (Blue), Bulgaria


5 ml       949 Thai Baht
10 ml     1,689 Thai Baht
30 ml     4,299 Thai Baht
100 ml   12,669 Thai Baht

German Chamomile is one of the gentlest essential oils and one of the few recommended for young children. It is sometime rubbed on the gums in very small amounts to reduce teething pain or the flowers are used to make a chamomile tea which is sometimes by nursing mothers to ease colic. It is among the most powerful essential oils to relax the body and mind. 

Lime Essential Oil (distilled), Thailand

  • 10 ml    189 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml    389 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   989 Thai Baht

  • 100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil
              Lime Thailand is also known as Key Lime and is sourer than the sweet Persian type Limes. It is smaller, has a thin peel and the fruit has an intensely sour taste as a juice and flavoring for drinks and foods.
              The essential oil is lighter, fresh, less preferred for aromatic blends and more preferred for applications to the skin than Lime expressed. Today Key Lime is produced mainly in Mexico, Peru, the West Indies (Caribbean Islands) and Thailand while sweet Lime is produced mainly in Florida U.S.and Brazil.
              Lime essential oil is known as a stimulant for the lymphatic system. When combined with a hormone balancing essential oil such as Geranium or Fennel it can be a beneficial in formulations for cellulite.

Sandalwood Essential Oil, Mysore (India)

  • 5 ml       1,989 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     3,469 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     9,869 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   27,889 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil
          Sandalwood from the Mysore region of India is the most desired source of Sandalwood essential oil. It is "true" Sandalwood Santalum album and the one referred to in most aromatherapy books. It is a common ingredient in perfumery for its pleasant aroma and fixative quality.
         The benefit for aromatherapy is promotes mental clarity, calming and focusing and one of the commonly known for natural aphrodisiac.
          In skin and hair treatment it has many functions. It encourages new cell growth, regulates oil production, treats acne, moisturizes dry or chapped skin, it is even suitable for sensitive skin and young children. It speeds the healing process, increases white blood cell production and also fights inflammation, bacterial and fungal infection.

Lemon Essential Oil, Italy

  • 10 ml     189 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     429 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   1,119 Thai Baht

  • 100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil
              Lemon essential oil is known as an aid for waste removal in the body and stimulant for the lymphatic system. When combined with a hormone balancing essential oil such as Geranium or Fennel it can be a useful treatment for cellulite.
              In skin care is an astringent and antibacterial used to treat oily acne prone skin. Like Lime, it treats oily skin by reducing the amount of sebum the skin produces. It has also been used against viral outbreaks like Herpes, chicken pox, shingles, and a treatment for minor cuts and insect bites. On small areas of infection like warts and herpes sores it can be applied at 100% strength.

Lavender Spike Essential oil, France


 5 ml     149  Thai Baht
10 ml    249  Thai Baht
30 ml    639  Thai Baht
100 ml  1,569 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential oil
          Lavender spike has a less floral and more camphorous aroma, some people compare to a lavender-rosemary blend. 
          It has nearly the same content of linalool as Lavender but missing most of its linalyl acetate which gives Lavender much of its sweet floral aroma. Instead, Lavender Spike has more 1,8 cineole and other components that make it an even more powerful cleanser, antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral oil. 

Lavender H.A. (High Altitude) Essential oil...

  •  5 ml      269 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     449 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     1,129 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   2,989 Thai Baht

              Bulgaria is now the world’s leading producer of Lavender. It's no secret we are big fans of Bulgarian essential oils and we were excited to find this High Altitude Lavender oil produced in Bulgaria. It has a very rich, floral, sweet and lovely aroma.
             High Altitude Lavenders are the most therapeutic form of Lavender. It is true Lavender, but when grown in this environment it produces a quality of oil that is difficult to match. It is suspected that growing at high altitude exposes the plant to more UV light and increases the linalool content. Other aspects of the environment in Bulgaria team together to produce more of trace ingredients & a fuller Aroma.

Lavandin Grosso Essential oil, France

  • 10 ml     179 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     389 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   989 Thai Baht

             Lavandin Grosso is a hybrid of True Lavender and Lavender Spike. It is a very hearty species which produces double the amount of oil of True Lavender and is well suited for large scale production at lower cost.
             Lavandin does not have as nice of relaxation qualities of Lavender but its clean floral scent and low cost make it a popular essential oil especially among soap makers. It is more similar to Lavender Spike in use. It’s useful in respiratory burner and vapor blends, disinfecting and deodorizing, acne, hair tonics and is an even more effective insect repellent. As a general rule, we like Lavandin in soaps, shampoos, deodorizers, disinfectants, daytime air fresheners and we like True Lavenders for full body massage, to condition the face and skin and for night time relaxation formulas.          

Grapefruit White Essential Oil, U.S.A.

  •   5 ml   159 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml    279 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml    689 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml  1,789 Thai Baht

          Grapefruit essential oil shares many of the same qualities as other citrus oils. it is uplifting, stimulating and energizing, detoxifying, a good antiseptic and disinfectant, a beneficial treatment for oily skin and acne and as a mild insect repellent.
          Grapefruit White and Grapefruit Pink are the same species and have similar composition but Grapefruit White has a slightly sharper scent and nearly clear color while Grapefruit Pink is light to medium Yellow color with possible Pink tint and has a softer scent and a little better analgesic (pain relieving) quality. It is somewhat similar to Lemon in function but the composition of the essential oil from the peel is closer to orange peel essential oil.

Grapefruit Pink Essential Oil, U.S.A.

  • 10 ml     229 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     589 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   1,549 Thai Baht

  •           Grapefruit essential oil shares many of the same qualities as other citrus oils. it is uplifting, stimulating and energizing, detoxifying, a good antiseptic and disinfectant, a beneficial treatment for oily skin and acne and as a mild insect repellent.
              Grapefruit White and Grapefruit Pink are the same species and have similar composition but Grapefruit Pink has a Pale Yellow to Yellow Pink color, a softer scent and a little better analgesic (pain relieving) quality. Grapefruit White has a slightly sharper scent and nearly clear color. It is somewhat similar to Lemon in function but the composition of the essential oil from the peel is closer to orange peel essential oil.

Geranium Rose Essential Oil, Madagascar


  5 ml     579  Thai Baht
10 ml     989  Thai Baht
30 ml     2,659 Thai Baht
100 ml   7,299 Thai Baht

          Geranium Rose essential oil has a more pleasant, rosey, floral aroma. It is closely related to Geranium Bourbon and similar in use.
          Geranium calms and relaxes the body and mind. It has been used back to the times of the Egyptians for promoting and supporting beautiful healthy skin. It balances sebum production in oily, dry or combination skin and can be used on all skin types. Aromatically it is an exceptional quality geranium and is considered our top shelf geranium. 

Geranium Bourbon Essential Oil, France

  •   5 ml   289 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml   499 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml   1,279 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml 3,489 Thai Baht

          Geranium essential oil has a mostly pleasant, sweet, floral fragrance that calms and relaxes the body and mind. It has been used back to the times of the Egyptians for promoting and supporting beautiful healthy skin. It balances sebum production in oily, dry or combination skin and can be used on all skin types.
          Geranium is a detoxifying essential oil. It has a balancing effect on hormones and a stimulating effect on the lymphatic system. It is used in many higher end natural anti-cellulite formulas, as well as formulas to treat hormone imbalances such as premenstrual syndrome and menopause and relieve water retention.

Eucalyptus globulus “Blue Gum” Essential Oil,...

  • 10 ml     179 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     399 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   1,119 Thai Baht        

          Eucalyptus oil is recognized in British Pharmacopeia. It is commonly added to sore muscle ointments, to reduce inflammation and increase circulation. It is used as a decongestant and as an antiseptic in steam baths and in saunas to kill germs and open breathing passages. Eucalyptus is awakening, has an antiviral effect and immune system boosting characteristics.
          Eucalyptus globulus oil or Eucalyptus Blue Gum is one of the most commonly used essential oils. It is fresh, clean and sharp. It is a common ingredient in colognes, mouth washes, aftershaves, household cleansers and deodorizing agents.

Eucalyptus Radiata Essential Oil, Australia

  • 10 ml     229 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     529 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   1,429 Thai Baht

          Eucalyptus radiata is similar to Eucalyptus globulus in use. Current stock has higher 1,8 cineole than normally expected from Eucalyptus radiata species and the characteristically strong, fresh, clean scent with a hint of mint.
          Eucalyptus oil is recognized in British Pharmacopeia. It is commonly added to sore muscle ointments to increase circulation. It is used as a decongestant and as an antiseptic in steam baths and in saunas to kill germs and open breathing passages. Eucalyptus is awakening, has an antiviral effect and immune system boosting characteristics.

Citronella “Java” Essential oil, Indonesia


10 ml     169 Thai Baht
30 ml     359 Thai Baht
100 ml   829 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil
          Citronella essential oil is extracted from a type of grass that grows in South Asia and Indonesia. It is one of the most common oils used in natural flea and mosquito repellents because of its low cost. Citronella Java is suspected to be a more effective repellent against Dengue carrying mosquitos such as Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus than Citronella Ceylon due to its higher citronellal content.
       Citronellal is a leading insect repellent against dengue carrying mosquitos. It is sometimes artificially produced by the name PMD but it is commonly extracted naturally from Citronella Java. Citronella Ceylon does not produce high enough quantities. Both types are still very popular in insect repellents, soaps, cleaners and candle making.

Cedarwood Virginian Essential oil, USA

  • 10 ml     229 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     529 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   1,369 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil

           Cedarwood Virginia is a slow growing evergreen tree in the juniper family with a narrow densely covered crown. It grows in the middle region of the east of the United States and Canada. It has a reddish heartwood or known as Red Cedar. Its woody scent,warm and rich hue.

           It is different in aroma to some other Cedarwood oils. It is heavy, woody and earthier. Like patchouli and vetiver it is used extensively in perfumery for its fixative (holding) characteristics and more masculine scent. A small amount has the ability to make a scent last.

Cedarwood Himalayan Essential oil, India

  • 10 ml     199 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     429 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   1,229 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil
          Cedarwood Himalayan grows high in the Himalayan mountain region. It has a sweet woody aroma similar to Cedarwood Atlas although they are different species but from the same family. Cedarwood Himalaya has a long history in ayurvedic formulas for cosmetics, perfumes, insect repellents, and soap making in India and the Himalayan region.
          Cedarwood is reputed to encourage lymphatic system drainage which is beneficial in the treatment of cellulite. Combined with a hormone balancing essential oil such as Fennel or Geranium it can be part of an effective massage blend if used regularly. Tip: Always massage cellulite in an upward motion to aid the drainage process.

Bergamot “Select” Essential oil, Italy

  •   5 ml     219 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml     369 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     949 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   2,499 Thai Baht

           This is a rare quality of bergamot we have classified as a special selection or “Select”. It is difficult to find and expensive but this quality is absolutely necessary to produce some of our blends. It has a very rich scent and we are proud to be able to share this with our friends.

          A good quality bergamot really stands alone among other citrus oils. Bergamot has lower terpenes such as d-limonene which allows for a much more flavorful oil. Limonene is not the most desired part of citrus oils in most cases. In citrus oils such as orange, limonene content might be as high as 92% - 96% and the different benefits or aromas come from the small amount of other components in the oil.