Cornmint Essential oil, Nepal

  • 10 ml      219 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml      489 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml    1,289 Thai Baht

          This Cornmint oil is from an unrefined single distillation and has a strong, fresh, and bittersweet aroma. The total menthol content when first distilled is over 70%, but this is too high for the oil to carry and some of this crystalizes as it cools and is separated out. The remaining product has about 55% menthol and is still sharp, minty and slightly sweet.

           Cornmint oil has a cooling feel that is a great pain reliever for minor burns such as sunburn as well as for sore muscles and aching joints. It is however, a warming oil in that helps draw blood flow to the area where applied. It also relieves itching from dry skin, minor injuries, sores, cold sores, insect bites and minor allergic reactions. It is stimulating, energizing and improves stamina.

Ginger (Fresh) Essential Oil, THAI


5 ml      189 Thai Baht
10 ml    329 Thai Baht
30 ml    829 Thai Baht
100 ml  2,279 Thai Baht
        Ginger has positive effects on the respiratory system. It is an expectorant, eases coughs and congestion and can soothe a sore throat. Ginger essential oil is well suited to help ease colds and flu, muscle aches and pains, as well as poor circulation and arthritic pain.
        Its warming qualities are good to use for feelings of loneliness and winter depression, and its energizing properties make it a consideration as an aphrodisiac in cases where lack on energy is the main cause.

Lavender Spike Essential oil, France


 5 ml     149  Thai Baht
10 ml    249  Thai Baht
30 ml    639  Thai Baht
100 ml  1,569 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential oil
          Lavender spike has a less floral and more camphorous aroma, some people compare to a lavender-rosemary blend. 
          It has nearly the same content of linalool as Lavender but missing most of its linalyl acetate which gives Lavender much of its sweet floral aroma. Instead, Lavender Spike has more 1,8 cineole and other components that make it an even more powerful cleanser, antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral oil. 

Cedarwood Virginian Essential oil, USA

  • 10 ml     229 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     529 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml   1,369 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil

           Cedarwood Virginia is a slow growing evergreen tree in the juniper family with a narrow densely covered crown. It grows in the middle region of the east of the United States and Canada. It has a reddish heartwood or known as Red Cedar. Its woody scent,warm and rich hue.

           It is different in aroma to some other Cedarwood oils. It is heavy, woody and earthier. Like patchouli and vetiver it is used extensively in perfumery for its fixative (holding) characteristics and more masculine scent. A small amount has the ability to make a scent last.