Frankincense carterii...

Frankincense carterii (Olibanum) Essential Oil,...

  • 5 ml       289 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml      499 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     1,279 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml    3,489 Thai Baht

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil

Frankincense has a wide range of benefits in aromatherapy. As a gift in the past, Frankincense tears would be given as a token for long life and good health. It blends easily with many other essential oils and is a wonderful oil for therapy, perfumery or just home fragrancing.

Emotionally, it is calming and grounding whether applied to the skin or diffused into the air. It is often use for anxiety and stress especially when a restless mind prevents quality sleep. It is focusing and deeply meditative for quieting the chatter in a busy mind. Frankincense is still widely used in religious ceremonies today.

Geranium Bourbon Essential Oil, Egypt

  •   5 ml   229 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml   389 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml   989 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml 2,729 Thai Baht

          Geranium essential oil has a mostly pleasant, sweet, floral fragrance that calms and relaxes the body and mind. It has been used back to the times of the Egyptians for promoting and supporting beautiful healthy skin. It balances sebum production in oily, dry or combination skin and can be used on all skin types.
          Geranium is a detoxifying essential oil. It has a balancing effect on hormones and a stimulating effect on the lymphatic system. It is used in many higher end natural anti-cellulite formulas, as well as formulas to treat hormone imbalances such as premenstrual syndrome and menopause and relieve water retention.

Pink Pepper Essential oil, Peru

  •   5 ml   459 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml   789 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml   1,989 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml  5,479 Thai Baht

Pink pepper berries are a type of pepper that belongs to the Capsicum annuum species. The aroma is fresh, very intense and sweet-spicy with a faint floral note, a dry woody, slightly smoky undertone. It is mainly used in perfumes, for diffusers, aromatherapy and skincare products.

Cornmint Essential oil, Nepal

  • 10 ml      219 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml      489 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml    1,289 Thai Baht

          This Cornmint oil is from an unrefined single distillation and has a strong, fresh, and bittersweet aroma. The total menthol content when first distilled is over 70%, but this is too high for the oil to carry and some of this crystalizes as it cools and is separated out. The remaining product has about 55% menthol and is still sharp, minty and slightly sweet.

           Cornmint oil has a cooling feel that is a great pain reliever for minor burns such as sunburn as well as for sore muscles and aching joints. It is however, a warming oil in that helps draw blood flow to the area where applied. It also relieves itching from dry skin, minor injuries, sores, cold sores, insect bites and minor allergic reactions. It is stimulating, energizing and improves stamina.

Amyris Essential oil, Haiti

  •   5 ml   269 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml   449 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml   1,149 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml  3,139 Thai Baht

          Also known as West Indian Sandalwood or Indies Sandalwood, Amyris essential oil originates from Haiti and the surrounding region. The soft aroma is reminiscent of light woody oils like copaiba. It is often used as a perfume "fixative" to extend the fragrant life of a blend and to provide a grounding and soothing quality to a blend.
          The essential oil, like many other resin oils, is said to have beneficial and conditioning properties and assists in skin regeneration. It’s also an efficient natural treatment for dry skin.

Ginger (Fresh) Essential Oil, THAI


5 ml      189 Thai Baht
10 ml    329 Thai Baht
30 ml    829 Thai Baht
100 ml  2,279 Thai Baht
        Ginger has positive effects on the respiratory system. It is an expectorant, eases coughs and congestion and can soothe a sore throat. Ginger essential oil is well suited to help ease colds and flu, muscle aches and pains, as well as poor circulation and arthritic pain.
        Its warming qualities are good to use for feelings of loneliness and winter depression, and its energizing properties make it a consideration as an aphrodisiac in cases where lack on energy is the main cause.

Chamomile Roman Essential oil, England

  • 5 ml       879 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml      1,529 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml     3,889 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml    11,479 Thai Baht
    100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil
              Roman Chamomile is one of the gentlest essential oils and one of the few recommended for young children. It is sometime rubbed on the gums in very small amounts to reduce teething pain or the flowers are used to make a chamomile tea which is sometimes by nursing mothers to ease colic. It is among the most powerful essential oils to relax the body and mind. It is used to reduce the severity of stress, tension and tension headaches, anxiety, worry, insomnia, PMS, menopause, hyperactivity, and nervous indigestion.
              Roman Chamomile soothes sensitive, irritated, red or dry skin. It is one of the few oils that is mild enough to use “neat” (100% strength) on small areas of skin.

Geranium Rose Essential Oil, Madagascar


  5 ml     579  Thai Baht
10 ml     989  Thai Baht
30 ml     2,659 Thai Baht
100 ml   7,299 Thai Baht

          Geranium Rose essential oil has a more pleasant, rosey, floral aroma. It is closely related to Geranium Bourbon and similar in use.
          Geranium calms and relaxes the body and mind. It has been used back to the times of the Egyptians for promoting and supporting beautiful healthy skin. It balances sebum production in oily, dry or combination skin and can be used on all skin types. Aromatically it is an exceptional quality geranium and is considered our top shelf geranium. 

Geranium Bourbon Essential Oil, France

  •   5 ml   289 Thai Baht
  • 10 ml   499 Thai Baht
  • 30 ml   1,279 Thai Baht
  • 100 ml 3,489 Thai Baht

          Geranium essential oil has a mostly pleasant, sweet, floral fragrance that calms and relaxes the body and mind. It has been used back to the times of the Egyptians for promoting and supporting beautiful healthy skin. It balances sebum production in oily, dry or combination skin and can be used on all skin types.
          Geranium is a detoxifying essential oil. It has a balancing effect on hormones and a stimulating effect on the lymphatic system. It is used in many higher end natural anti-cellulite formulas, as well as formulas to treat hormone imbalances such as premenstrual syndrome and menopause and relieve water retention.